Kamis, 31 Mei 2012
Posts by : Admin
Daya Saing RI Turun, Menkeu Tetap Optimistis
VIVAnews - Peringkat daya saing Indonesia berdasarkan laporan Institute for Management Development (IMD) 2012 turun dari 33 menjadi 42. Namun, Menteri Keuangan Agus Martowardojo tetap optimistis investasi Indonesia akan meningkat.
Agus menjelaskan, peringkat daya saing suatu negara memiliki metode yang berbeda dengan rating lainnya, seperti surat utang. Ia mengatakan, peringkat investment grade yang disandang Indonesia saat ini dihasilkan berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan oleh lembaga pemeringkat seperti Fitch Ratings dan Moody's Investor Service di Indonesia.
"Tapi, kalau doing business, itu antara satu negara dan negara lain, saling dikaitkan. Walaupun Indonesia maju, tapi negara lain lebih cepat maju, angkanya bisa jatuh," ujar Agus di Gedung DPR, Jakarta, Kamis 31 Mei 2012.
Menurut Agus, jika dibandingkan dengan negara tetangga seperti Singapura, Brunei Darussalam, dan Malaysia, peringkat doing business Indonesia bisa di bawah. Indonesia negara kepulauan memiliki tantangan yang besar.
Seperti diketahui, berdasarkan laporan Institute for Management Development 2012, Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-42 untuk negara berdaya saing tinggi. Angka ini merosot dari tahun sebelumnya di peringkat 33. Indonesia kalah dari Malaysia yang naik ke peringkat 14 dan Korea ke 22. (art)
sorce : http://bisnis.vivanews.com/news/read/319508-peringkat-ri-turun--ini-kata-menkeu
My opinion:
Indonesia is one of developing countries in Southeast Asia. The economy of Indonesia classified well, but the reality still less than neighboring countries. I think we can fix it. If Indonesia Goverment can fix the economic, i think it will stabilized.
Posts by : Admin
be a good singer
I think everyone can sing. But, not everyone can sing well. Seems look easy but actually difficult.
If someone sing, she/he actually "read" the voices. We just sing : do..re...mi...fa...sol...la..si...do, do it continously.
A good singer have a good knowledge of music, beside have a tunable voice. A good singer must interprete the message in the song to listener with some act.
Everyone have a chance to be a singer. To be a singer it's not only we want to become famous, but a singer must entertain.
A good singer become better if she/he can play some musical instrument. It can
increase they ability.
Sing if you have trouble...
Sing if you happy...
Sing if you sad...
Sing if you cry...
Sing if you laugh...
Let's sing together...
Posts by : Admin
Social Media
Do you have social media? If you ask it to me, i will answer "yes".
this is globalization era, and people requaired to follow it. A lot of social media now a days. It like facebook, twitter, youtube, and many more.
Hoestly, i have more than one social media. I have facebook and twitter. I make account in these social media because i want to know more people and i want to meet my old friend. In social media, we can share what goin' on?.beside that we can also share our photos or videos to all the people. We can mention they name and talk to them. I think it;s positive.
But, it can be negative if we not use it carefully. Our account can hack by someone.
Social media helps us to know about the world, about what happen now.
Let's share ypur stories and meet other people out there.
Posts by : Admin
Ice Cream
Es Krim. Banyak perempuan yg ogah makan es krim karena takut gemuk. Padahal dari berbagai mitos yg negatif, banyak sekali manfaat es krim.
Komposisi es krim yg mengandung energi, protein dan lemak jenuh selalu menjadi tudingan yg menyebabkan biang keladi kegemukan. Padahal komposisi energi pada es krim hanya sekitar 10 persen saja dari total kebutuhan lemak setiap harinya
sekitar 15 persen. Jadi jumlah tersebut masih terlalu kecil bila disangka sebagai penyebab kegemukan Anda.
Es krim termasuk kelompok hidangan beku yg memiliki tekstur semipadat dan memiliki nilai gizi tinggi. Bahan-bahan yg digunakan dalam pembuatan es krim, antara lain lemak susu, padatan susu tanpa lemak (skim), krim, gula pasir, bahan penstabil, pengemulsi, dan pencita rasa. Sedikitnya 100 gram es krim yg berbahan susu memiliki 110-130 kalori dgn kandungan protein 2,5-3 gram.
Keliru bila Anda mengatakan es krim adalah penyebab batuk dan pilek. Lelehan es krim yg masuk ke dalam mulut diakibatkan oleh pengaruh suhu tubuh. Oleh karena itu saat es krim masuk ke dalam kerongkongan suhunya pun sudah tidak
Satu lagi Angapan Bahwa Cokelat penyebab utama kerusakan pada gigi (karies).
Kerusakan gigi pada umumnya akibat sisa-sisa makanan yg tidak dibersihkan. Untuk menghindarinya, biasakan menggosok gigi segera setelah mengonsumsi cokelat.
Larangan memakan es krim saat sakit juga merupakan anggapan yg salah. Pada saat sakit tubuh kita membutuhkan banyak cairan agar terhindar dari dehidrasi. Es krim yg mengandung banyak air sangat berguna sebagai penyedia cairan tubuh.
Yg tidak boleh adalah, orang sakit yg menderita radang ternggorokan, asma dan amandel, karena dgn suhu tinggi dapat membuat penyakit tersebut kambuh.
Bahan dasar es krim adalah susu. Di dalam susu terdapat banyak vitamin-vitamin yg baik untuk kesehatan yaitu A, C dan D. Tak hanya itu saja kandungan kalsium yg ada pada es krim juga bermanfaat untuk tulang kuat dan pencegahan osteoporosis. Jadi kata siapa es krim hanya membuat gemuk?
Manfaat Es Krim Bagi Kesehatan
1. Menjaga kesehatan jantung.
Mengonsumsi makanan yg kaya akan flavonoid berhubungan erat dgn rendahnya angka kematian yg disebabkan oleh penyakit jantung koroner. Diduga, kandungan flavonoid pada cokelat justru menjaga kesehatan jantung karena menghambat oksidasi LDL. Flavonoid pada cokelat juga berperan sebagai antioksidan yg dapat mencegah penuaan dini.
2. Merangsang sistem kekebalan tubuh.
Dgn memproduksi lebih banyak sitokin (protein yg diproduksi sebagai bagian dari sistem imun tubuh), maka cokelat bermanfaat dalam merangsang sistem kekebalan tubuh.
3. Menurunkan risiko terkena kanker payudara.
Berdasarkan penelitian Institute of Community Medicine, Universitas Tromso, Norwegia, dalam International Journal of Cancer, mengonsumsi 3 gelas atau lebih susu setiap hari dapat menurunkan risiko terkena kanker payudara pada wanita pramenopause.
source :: nasional.kompas.com
my opinion ::
i love ice cream too...! ice cream is my favorite dessert. I like the taste of ice cream, such as chocolate, strawberry, vanila, and many more. I can eat ice cream more than one taste with sweet toping. Ice cream can recharge my energy. If i feel badmood, i usually buy ice cream and eat it. I can feel good mood again. Ice cream have many package and taste and usually children likes it. Ice cream made from more ingredients. Like milk and fruit. We can add topping in ice cream like candy, chocolate bar, cream, syrup, wafers and etc.
But, eating many ice cream can cause obesity, toothache, and flu or cough. Just eat ice cream not too much.
Everyone can buy ice cream, because the price it's not expensive. But, more topping and taste it's mean you must pay more too.
We love ice cream so much....
Posts by : Admin
No Smoking!
i don't like people who smoke. what about you? maybe we have same answer.
i don't like the smell. The smell it's not good for our breathing. Human can divide into 2 groups, there is active smoker and passive smoker. Active and passive smoker equally at risk.
Active smoker usually smoked cigarette at least one a day, there is even more than that.
Active Smoker have a high risk. People who continously smoke can cause complication of the disease in their body and can cause the death if they consume it continously.
Passive smoker also have high risk. Although they not smoke, but if they breathe the smoke, it can affect to our lungs.
Smoking is pointless. Can't get anything. obtained only negative effects if we consume cigarettes.
smoking is not only harming yourself, but also others.
Love your body, love your family, leave the smoke.
Posts by : Admin
the safe transportation
still fresh in our memory, the tragedy accident of Sukhoi Super Jet 100 which crashing a Mount Salak. All the passenger died.
This accident not only happen one time, but it often happen.
Every transportation have the risk of accidents such as bus, airplane,ship,car, motorcycle, etc.
An accident can be caused by many reason. Like human eror, engine problem, and bad weather.
An accident can avoided and can minimized. People must apply safety drive every they want to drive a car for the example, or maybe captain can cancel the travel if has trouble engine or bad weather.
Vehicle maintenance factor also important. Regular maintenance of vehicle can minimize the accident.
if we want to drive alone, we must check the car or motorcycle carefully. Bring your vehicle properly. Slow but save. Your family waiting for you at home.
Posts by : Admin
Energy Saving
every human need and have energy. everyday, a human can spend a lot of energy. But, the problem is the energy is limited. the example is use of electricity.
one concrete problem is in a metropolitan city. In a metroplitan city like Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, all the people almost use the electricity in they daily life. In the fact, 24 hours the electricty never stop. People usually use electricity to turn on the lamp and electronic appliances.
It's become a big problem, not only for Jakarta, but it's become a problem to all the people. Energy saving is the way out to solve the problem. Almost all the countries have same problem and now, the world have "Earth Hour".
Earth Hour is a movement for all the people to saving the energy, like turn off the lamp, turn off the electronic appliances for one hour. Energy saving is important to save the world from the global warning, and to save the energy especially the electricity.
Now a days, the Indonesian goverment appeal the citizen to saving the energy. Especially for building office, lamp street, and departements. If we can save the energy only one hour everyday, we can save our worlds.
So, love your world. Save the Energy. God Bless Us.
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